Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well hello my friends. I have been somewhat of an absent blogger as of late. Maybe because I have been dealing with some things that were too personal to post about. So lets get this out of the way. No I am no longer engaged, I won't post about the details because I feel it is far to personal of a matter to spread to the whole Internet...But I will say it was the best decision for both of us in the long run.

Nothing much else has been going on in my life. It has been nothing but chaos for the last month or so...I am moving again! This time hopefully for a bit longer. You see when we decided to get married my landlord had someone that wanted to move into my place, so I was going to move home for a few months, then get a place...well now I am not getting married, so I don't have a house and can't move back in with the mother....so I am searching and have to move by Friday. The joys of being an adult! I am sure it will all work out though.

My favorite lady in the whole world is coming to visit me this weekend! Steph is prego, and so we are throwing her a baby shower! I am so excited! It is always amazing to have your best friend in town! Be prepared for pictures galore come Monday :)

Till then....



Seth & Kirie said...

Sorry to hear about that :( Hope you're doing well in light of it!

Unknown said...

Sorry Sam! Hope your doing ok. You sound so positive!

Samantha Jane said...

Thank you ladies -- I think in situtations like this you just have to stay positive. Things are going well and work out the way they are supposed to.


Breelyn said...

Hey girlie, I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope you kind find a new place soon though, apartment hunting is such a pain!