Friday, April 18, 2008

Funniest "Person" I know

Okay so my dog is seriously the funniest person I know -- She is such a sassy little brat! Everyday when I get home from work she is so excited to see me. She will take me to the couch and get me to lay down so she can cuddle with me. She will lay on her back across my chest and snuggle up, making me rub her tummy. So yesterday I decided I would take a picture of this. Well my little one has a 6th sense about cameras -- she will try and move when ever she she knows it will be a cute picture. Yesterday was the exception, I was going to take a picture of me kissing her on the cheek as she cuddled, but instead she open her mouth to yawn, so I hurry and snapped it. I thought it was kind of a funny one :) So here it is!
Syd relaxing

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