Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day Road Trip

For mothers day we went up to my grandmas house in Weston Idaho. You are probably wondering where that is -- please see map below.

So I loaded up the Golden's, and Syd and we headed to grandmas house! Kate was my co-pilot. She insisted on riding in the middle the whole way there. Alternating between keeping watch and snuggling. Kate is not usually a snugly dog, but put her in the car and she wants to ride on your lap, snuggle your arm, or lay her head in your lap the whole way there.

Princess Syd quickly learned that with Kate in the middle hogging her mom she couldn't sit up front, but then discovered that she could just lay on top of Kate and get a great view out the front window....

Bode was feeling left out, and decided to sleep in the trunk -- I laid the seats down to give the dogs more room. Little did I know that two of them insisted on being in the front as much as they could get away with! And yes that is my ski boot you can see -- I finally decided it was time to take my skis out of the car, but didn't have the heart to take all of my ski stuff out yet :(

Okay and one last picture -- this will show you how great of a job Kate did at helping me keep an eye on the road -- she looks so intense!

1 comment:

Miss Stace said...

haha that is so funny!! My dog is a freak when she rides with me. So intent on the whats in front of the car! I wonder what goes through their minds!