So I have been a blogger slacker! I like to use surgery and pain meds as my excuse...As most of you know I had surgery last Tuesday for my Endometriosis. The surgery went great and thanks to the pain meds the days pasted very quickly. I would post some pictures of my "battle wounds" but to be frank I don't want pictures of my tummy floating around the Internet, plus they aren't that pretty. My belly button is all bruised and looked like a prego button for a few days. Thankfully the "air" they put in your stomach and the swelling went down rather quickly.

The day after my surgery my best friend in the whole entire world came in from Chicago! Steph is the most perfect friend you could ever have!! I was so excited to see her, but having surgery kind of put a damper on "exciting adventures" for this visit. Luckily with Becky's c-section she wasn't up for much either. On the days that I was feeling like I could move I went and spent the days with Steph, Beck and Ryker on the couch. It was so much fun to hang out with the girls and pass baby Ry Ry around for snuggles. They both made my recovery wonderful, everything is better with great friends around. Please don't mind how terrible I look in the pictures, remember I was recovering :)

While I was at home recovering the day after surgery I had a phone call from the florist asking if I would be home to accept a delivery, I was a little drugged up on pain meds so I didn't really process what they met -- until the most AMAZING bouquet of red roses and stargazer lilies showed up at my house. My amazing old boss Michael Jordan had sent them to me. He is seriously the sweetest, most genuine, caring person I have ever met! He has played many roles in my life since I met him two and a half years ago, boss, counselor, baker, florist and last but not least friend. Thank you Mike, the flowers have made my week! They are still beautiful -- I've been making my mom change the water for me! (we both know I wouldn't remember to do it)

Also my wonderful group at work sent me a gift basket full of goodies that made me and my family very happy :) They are so wonderful to work with, and I love them all so much! Thanks guys!

Last but not least I want to thank my mom for taking care of me. I am not an easy person to take care of -- I can be a bit demanding if you can imagine that. But she put up with me, even making me homemade chicken noodle soup for my post op meal.
Tomorrow it is back to work -- I just hope I can finally wear something but sweats! So far my tummy has been way to sore to wear anything but sweats...
1 comment:
It was so fun seeing you...I miss you like crazy already!!!!!!!! Good luck back at work woman. Mucho LOVES
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