Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Love Handles

Who would have thought that your love handles could get so sore?!?! I went and saw the evil Adrianne last night -- jk jk -- he is not evil. I actually really like going and being tortured, I always feel so much better after, plus I can feel myself getting stronger. If any of you want some killer exercises for your fat under your butt, butt and core...let me know.

I lived through another night, I got back on Thursday....I just can believe how sore my LH are...but it sure is making work on my posture. (slouching makes it more sore)

Okay that is enough complaining from me!

xoxo -- the "to be" Buff One

1 comment:

Miss Stace said...

I want my love handles to be sore. Teach me!