Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oh My Tags....

8 TV shows I enjoy watching
1. The Hills
2. Medium
3. Lipstick Jungle
4. Law and Order SVU
5. Dr. 90210
6. Gossip Girl
7. One Tree Hill
8. Samantha Who?

8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Worked
2. Got almost caught up at work
3. Went tanning
4. Talked to Drew for forever -- thanks for diagnosing me :)
5. Played with Miss. Priss
6. Looked for condos
7. Day dreamed about ski season
8. Decided to get a new car

8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Not being sick -- it's been two weeks
2. Being lazy tonight
3. Getting my hair done tomorrow
4. Seeing the cute little kiddies tomorrow for T or T
5. Chicago in 2 weeks!
6. Shopping at XXI Forever in Chicago
7. Seeing my Stephy!
8. Visits from strangers in November

8 Things I love about Fall:
1. Hoodies
2. SKI SEASON on it's way!
3. Cute jeans
4. Leaves -- so pretty
5. Cool weather
6. Crisp smell in the air
7. Pumpkin pie
8. Thanksgiving....Mmmmm

8 Things on my wish list:
1. A house
2. New car
3. Winter clothes
4. Bindings for my new skis!
5. Trip to Europe...
6. Pedicure
7. SNOW!!!!
8. And more snow...

People I am tagging:
1. Steph
2. Beck
3. Nichole
4. Mindy
5. Anyone who wants to...

TAG NUMBER 2......

6 quirky things about me
1. I hate the feeling of wringing out a wet wash cloth it makes me cringe
2. I hate all types of beans, except green beans because they are different
3. I hate the feel of carpet on my bare feet, so I usually always have socks on in the house even in summer
4. I wake up in the middle of the night just to put on chap stick
5. I have an eyelash fetish
6. I won't wear sandals unless my toes are freshly painted (minus the 2 times this year I had to)

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