Monday, March 24, 2008

My Dog the Flirt

My dog is such a little flirt -- and no I did not teach her this! Saturday evening I had to go drop somethings off at an old friends house so I took Syd along for the ride. Within the 20 minute car ride she had picked up on a truck full of boys and the Taco Bell guy. It all started when we pulled up to the light in Roy (Syd has a little bed that I keep in the car for her so that she doesn't slide all over the place) Anyhow, we pulled up to the light and there was a truck full of guys, Syd runs across the car to my rolled down window and starts barking at these boys. So they finally roll down their window, and she tries to jump out of my window to go and see them (little awkward!) The light finally turned green, she lost interest and went over and got back in her bed. On the way home I was craving Taco Bell so I stopped at the drive-thru for a taco, again Syd jumps up and runs to the window and starts barking and wagging her tail when she hears a males voice. The Taco Bell guy gave her a little cup of fiesta potatos at the window, she quickly grabbed the cup and took them to her bed. What a spoiled little brat! I guess her mom needs to teach her not to take food from strangers!

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