Wednesday, June 25, 2008

And the Award goes to...

Okay so let me just start off by saying, thank you to you 3 people that read my blog :) I write it for you -- my dearest friends!

Okay now to the point! My dearest BFF Steph nominated me for the "Arte Y Pico" award. In a nutshell, this award virtually honors creativity and contributions to the blogging community. Who would have thought that I could be considered part of the blogging community?? I started my blog for Steph, sure we emailed everyday but with a blog I can "tell" her all the same things but include pictures! And now I am addicted! I don't find my life that interesting, but apparently other people why not! Plus I no longer have to keep a journal -- that I never wrote in -- the last entry was in 2006!

Ok, back to the award...translated "Arte Y Pico" means "peak of art" and here are the rules/guidelines for the award:

1. Choose five blogs you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material, and overall contribution to the blogger community, regardless of the language.

2. Post the name of the author and a link to his/her blog so everyone can view it.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given him/her the award.

4. The award-winner and the presenter should post the link of the "Arte Y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.

5. Please post these rules.

Okay so my nominations:

Steph: Okay so I don't know if I can technically honor her since she is the one that nominated me -- but I LOVE her blog! I read it every day. She is so real, no emotion or topic is off limits, the boob purse is a prime example I love it! Steph leave a very chaotic, yet organized life so it is nice to be able to see what she is up to!

Matt Logelin: I randomly found Matt's blog one day. His story is tragic, but inspiring. Matt lost his wife 27 hours after their first child Madeline was born. His blog chronicles his day to day life, the struggles of being a single dad, the sadness of loosing his wife, and the joy that his beautiful daughter brings.

Alison: I found Alison's blog "She Blogs, She Blogs" on the same day I found Matt's. She is so witty! She cracks me up on a daily basis with her random yet insightful blogs! Thanks Alison! You have been the source of entertainment for many a long work day!

Kirie: Kirie is a friend that I met a couple years ago, she is one that just tells you how it is, and her blog reflects that. It chronicles her day to day life with her new husband Seth and their "child" Razor.

Perez: I know I know -- some people wouldn't classify him as a normal blog per say...but I LOVE celebrity gossip -- enough said

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