Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoon after church (yes I have been two weeks in a row!!) my mom, Mike, Austin and I decided to take all our dogs up to Pineview for a swim. The dogs had a blast! And since everyone always posts video of their kids, I thought I would post some of my "kid" :) Syd was so concerned about the other dogs being so far out in the water and not playing with her, so she would stand on the shore and bark at them -- it's so funny that she thinks she can boss them around.

And a few pictures for you viewing enjoyment....

Syd is annoyed because I woke her up...

Again she is annoyed because I am trying to make her pose for the picture

Bossing the the Goldens around...this is as deep in the water as she dared get...


Steph said...

I heart your little Syd...would that make her my niece???

Samantha Jane said...

Your my sister, so I think so!!! Love you girlie! Miss you!