Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Gift of Life...

Today the Red Cross Blood-Mobil came to my office. They come every six months. Every time I try to give them my blood. Usually my iron is too low or my blood pressure goes through the roof. But today -- well it was different! I PASSED! I know I know a person shouldn't be so excited about getting poked with a gigantic needle...but since I NEVER get approved I was so excited! They got me all set up and laying on the table and stabbed me. At first I though it was a little strange that my arm went numb and tingly...but since I am not a frequent blood giver I thought I might be over reacting. I pumped my blood out rather quickly! Afterward they stopped the flow and I had to wait for someone to come and unhook me...well my arm really started to hurt. Then I looked at it -- it was a nice shade of purply blue...I decided this wasn't normal and told the lady I felt like my arm was going to pop! Apparently the other lady who had stabbed me didn't release the blood pressure cuff after she got my vain. So basically all the blood was backing up into my arm. Can I say OUCH!!! Anyways I survived and I have a cool new pink "band aid" so the whole world can know I gave the gift of life...


Nicole and Scott Kesten said...

good for you! that jamba looks good.. now i want one.

Seth & Kirie said...

Yay! I am jealous, oddly enough. I've never been able to give blood or ever will be able to...damn health problems :(

It's something I've always wanted to do. I have mad respect for people who do.

Thanks Sammy!