Monday, July 21, 2008

"We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~ Cesare Pavese"

This was on Steph's blog and it looked like fun -- :)

1. Leave one memory that you and I had together, as a comment on my blog. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Seth & Kirie said...

Oh Sammy...I have so many memories of you...most of them are a little fuzzy, and I'm sure you understand why ;)

A few of my favorites:

-The fact that you were such an amazing liar and lied to a POLICE officer so he didn't arrest my drunken ass..."Oh, I drove her up here from SLC Mr. Police Officer. Promise. Yeah, she's 21 Mr. Police Officer. Drunk?! Nah...we're not drunk!" or my other favorite of our run-in with cops "Schmirnoff? Are you sure you want me to dump this out???'s okay though, I'm old enough...I'll just go buy a new one!"
-Me hugging your legs like a tree...and then you trying to find my cell phone, searching EVERYWHERE just to find out that it was in my back pocket (ringing AND vibrating the whole time!)

...You probably didn't want this posted for the World to see...but that's what you get when I start talking memories :)

Samantha Jane said...

Oh my -- and this is why I too quit drinking...well among other reasons :) Too be young again. Who would have thought I could have such a big mouth to men of authority -- ha ha

Steph said...

Well many memories so little time...cini-minis at 12 after my daily work phone work at 11 is a great one, hanging out at the Rage for HOURS on end...for sure getting lost (you are the best person to get lost with!!!), The "private" house at the zoo, texting ALL the time, GG/Bachelorette gossiping, and for sure you being there for me and my mom when my grandpa died...picking out flowers for the funeral and having the lady think we were sisters, sitting around talking with my Aunt Lu/Eddie, taking care of you and Beck after your surgeries, and of course our love affair with Bongo Room!!! Love you forever and I will meet you in LA!

Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of your boycott of Baskin, you're so fiesty and easy to fire up...haha

As for my memory, I'll go with hanging out and play wii at my place, though little cat is probably tops since you'd never skied that before in all your trips to Basin

Anonymous said...

Shall I start from the beginning? How about that summer night in high school after your freshman year, out in Casey's Rodeo at Siler's uncle's brother's cousin's farm (errr...something like that). Or how about the night of downing lemon drops like Paris and Brittney on a Las Vegas bender, inhaling sambuca fumes through those damn straws like it was air and a man named Dan H throwing up all over the basement bathroom while sitting on the toilet...Or better yet, the days of summer, circa 2002. The best yet, that day in 2003 when I knew I'd love you forever.

Other memories on my wish list to be developed include:
1. skiing together at Basin, Targhee, and anywhere else that has lots of dry, fluffy powder
2. Hawaii
3. Our first date ;)