Although this trip is a little far off -- October to be exact I have faith it will be here before I know it -- Plus I am just freaking excited! Steph, Becky, Heather and I are headed to Palm Springs for 4 days in the sun! Yes this means I need to get my fat butt in shape, but motivation is always good! Especially when I am going to have to stand next to yoga/running queen Miss Steph! Can I just tell you how freaking great this girl looks??? So let the torture begin! Hollywood/Palm Springs HERE WE COME!!!! WATCH OUT!

DO NOT DISCOUNT YOURSELF, you look fabulous too! you guys will have a blast! we are taking joshies to disney in october.. it will be a busy blogging month!
I'll so excited you are coming on the trip. You're awesome.
I honestly can't freaking wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You think you have to get your butt in shape I have model legs, yoga woman and little big sister coming with me!! I don't stand a chance, but I'll still run around naked!!! :) I'm so excited I can hardly see straight!
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